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What is Broad Spectrum CBD?
02.01.2020 | Reading Time:Written by: Alex Maibaum

There used to be only two types of CBD out there, and they tended towards the extremes.
If you wanted everything hemp had to offer, you gravitated towards full spectrum CBD oil; if you didn’t, your only choice was CBD isolate.
But today’s customers have a much more versatile option: broad spectrum CBD. Many people find it provides the best of both worlds. Why? Simply because broad spectrum contains all the cannabinoids and terpenes the full spectrum stuff does — it’s just free from THC. It’s rich in CBD, CBG, CBN...it’s high in terpenes like myrcene and pinene...it even contains hemp’s cannflavins.
Here’s a full list of benefits:
- Broad Spectrum CBD Is Powerful
- Broad Spectrum CBD Is Versatile
- Broad Spectrum CBD Tastes Good
- Broad Spectrum CBD Is Highly Affordable
- Broad Spectrum CBD Is Safe for Drug Testing
Broad Spectrum CBD Is Powerful
In 2015 a pretty fascinating study comparing whole-plant CBD extract and CBD isolate came out. Its findings? Whole-plant CBD was four times more effective, per unit, than CBD alone. This plant + plant synergy is known as the entourage effect — pretty amazing, right?
Better still, the entourage effect doesn’t seem to be activated by THC as much as by terpenes. And that implies broad spectrum CBD can harness the entourage effect, too! Even though it lacks THC.
Broad Spectrum CBD Is Versatile
If you think about it, broad spectrum CBD products actually feature a full spectrum of hemp’s CBD and terpenes.
And this chemical diversity makes them incredibly versatile. Broad spectrum CBD is helpful to a wide variety of customers with a wide variety of health challenges. It can be used by people who require a high dose of CBD, people who require a low dose, and pretty much everyone in between. Even those taking high doses don’t tend to experience anything more than very minor side effects — you can thank broad spectrum CBD’s 0% THC content for that.
Broad Spectrum CBD Tastes Good
All hemp oil products go through an extraction process, and broad spectrum CBD is no different.
The work isn’t done after that initial extraction, however. Broad spectrum CBD undergoes a special distillation process that removes its THC content entirely. Sometimes it undergoes a third round of refining, called winterization, too.
And all this refinement means broad spectrum CBD can taste pretty good. It’s often lower in natural plant waxes and chlorophylls than other hemp products. Translation: it may just have less of an earthy taste to it. Indeed, broad spectrum CBD oils are some of the best candidates for terpene or EO-derived flavor infusions.
Broad spectrum CBD is also less allergenic than full spectrum CBD is. Though this sort of allergy is rare, it does happen, so customers who find themselves reacting badly to full spectrum products may want to give broad spectrum an honest try.
Broad Spectrum CBD Is Highly Affordable
Broad spectrum CBD is getting popular. Really popular — Singlecare's data shows that 33% of all Americans have used CBD at least once. Many of these customers are turning to broad spectrum options as the best of both worlds.
Companies are responding to this newfound demand by producing massive quantities of broad spectrum products, which has caused the price of broad spectrum products to sink lower and lower. It’s now possible for most people to thrive on less than a dollar of CBD a day. The average broad spectrum CBD oil costs far under 10 cents a milligram; some brands are even pushing down to 5. Another bright note: this trend towards affordability is almost sure to continue.
Broad Spectrum CBD Is Safe for Drug Testing
Though full spectrum CBD products are now federally legal, applying this legality to the nation’s workforce hasn’t been as simple as you might think.
Why not? Primarily because of flaws in drug testing protocols. The average employee drug test doesn’t analyze for cannabinoids directly — it analyzes certain antibodies that react with them. These antibodies can sometimes misinterpret things, or confuse CBD for THC. This glitch results in what’s called a “false positive” drug test.
While there’s no way to avoid this type of result (besides doing confirmation testing with better equipment), broad spectrum CBD is one of the drug-test-friendliest options out there. It’s completely free from THC, don’t forget!