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- cbd + thc gummies vs. thc edibles - what's the difference?
CBD + THC Gummies vs. THC Edibles - What's the Difference?
01.12.2022 | Reading Time:Written by: Loren Baker

Ever tried a THC edible?
If you haven’t, your mind might conjure up images of getting way too high from some homemade brownie. Heck, even if you have tried them, your perception of things might not be much better.
Maybe it’s time for something a little more refined than the traditional THC edible experience — something like a perfectly balanced gummy that contains both THC and CBD.
Keep reading to learn more about the difference between CBD + THC gummies and traditional THC edibles. We’ll be placing a special focus on just how great these new types of gummy are at activating the entourage effect.
- The one similarity between CBD + THC gummies and THC edibles
- Difference #1: gummies are more predictable
- Difference #2: gummies are more mellow
- Difference #3: gummies are more predictable
- Difference #4: gummies are legal nationwide
- How CBD + THC gummies work
- How to find premium CBD + THC gummies
CBD + THC gummies vs. THC edibles: their one similarity
Before getting into the big differences between CBD + THC gummies and THC edibles, we should look at one important similarity: gummies and edibles can both make you feel really good!
It’s true — even the highest-strength, most imprecisely-made THC edible can make you feel amazing. Some people love these types of edibles for the sedation, sleepiness, and euphoria they induce.
But THC-only edibles are only fun if they’re dosed right…and that’s a very big if. Take too much of the traditional THC edible and the fun can quickly turn into a twilight zone of unwelcome thoughts, and paranoia. Properly dosing your CBD + THC gummies, on the other hand, is simple and usually side-effect-free. More on that next.
CBD + THC gummies vs. THC edibles: gummies are more predictable
As we mentioned above, both CBD + THC gummies and THC edibles can make you feel really good. It’s just that getting there with gummies is way, way easier.
Why? Because the CBD and THC in blended gummies tend to balance eachother out. Research shows that CBD may help limit some of THC’s psychoactivity, balancing out the otherwise intoxicating aspects of this cannabinoid.
In more technical terms, this happens because CBD intake sensitizes CB2 receptors found throughout the peripheral body…not CB1 receptors found in the brain. One study affirmed that “CBD coadministration [...] prevented THC-induced behavioral and neural abnormalities.” [1]
Here’s a practical example of this concept: taking 10 milligrams of THC usually produces stronger mental effects than taking 10 milligrams of THC and one milligram of CBD.
All in all, the large CBD component in our CBD + THC gummies makes them predictable. It’s pretty easy to intuit how one, two, or even three gummies will affect you.
The standardized size and strength of our CBD gummies is another thing that makes them easy to dose. Our Daily Buzz Gummies contain exactly 5 milligrams of THC each, while our other Gummies contain exactly 2 milligrams of THC each.
CBD + THC gummies vs. THC edibles: gummies are more mellow
We’ve already mentioned that THC can have unwanted side effects…but let’s get a little more specific for the sake of this comparison. Take too much of a THC-only edible, and you might just experience any or all of the following:
- Dry mouth
- Paranoia
- Muscle spasms
- Erratic behavior
- Difficulty sleeping
- Serotonin syndrome
- Hard-to-follow thoughts
Some of these side effects may be rare, sure — but they still can and do happen. [2] To us these possibilities provide a not-so-subtle hint that nature knows best. In other words, it doesn’t make much sense to take a completely unnatural dose of any single cannabinoid!
Compared to THC edibles, CBD + THC gummies are much more mellow. Their side effects are less common and far less intrusive. Most people who try such gummies don’t actually experience any side effects.
CBD + THC gummies vs. THC edibles: gummies are more fun!
Last but not least, CBD + THC gummies are more fun than THC-only edibles ever were! They’re:
- Easier and more convenient to dose
- Easier to enjoy without side effects
- Easier to fully unwind with
- Healthier for your body
All of this makes for a mellow, blissful, relaxing experience that’s way better than hit-or-miss THC edibles ever were.
What makes CBD + THC gummies so much more fun? While the presence of CBD explains part of it, there’s actually much more to the story. Our CBD + THC gummies aren’t just high in CBD — they’re high in a full spectrum blend of other cannabinoids and terpenes, too. More on that soon.
CBD + THC gummies vs. THC edibles: gummies are legal nationwide
Last but not least, CBD + THC gummies have a highly practical advantage over THC edibles: they’re legal nationwide and can be taken anywhere.
Despite the fact that they can — and usually do — instill a nice buzz, our gummies are completely legal nationwide. What makes this possible? The fact that they’re derived from federally legal industrial hemp! You can take our gummies along on your next hike, pack them for a road trip, or sneak them into a business meeting, all while staying within the confines of the law.
How CBD + THC gummies work
Researchers have found that the active ingredients in full spectrum hemp are much stronger than the sum of their parts. When you combine CBD, THC, and terpenes, the effect isn’t 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. It’s more like 1 + 1 + 1 = 12. This compound + compound synergy is called the entourage effect. It turns out CBD + THC gummies are both balanced and powerful! [3]
How does the entourage effect work? It’s pretty complex…to put it mildly. The entourage effect involves the exchange of various types of information by various neurotransmitters that bind to various targets. Most commonly a cannabinoid will ‘open up’ a receptor binding site during its journey, allowing other cannabinoids or terpenes to bind to the same area.
Certain terpenes contribute to the entourage effect even more directly. Citrus terpenes like limonene, for example, may increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier and allow for cannabinoids to saturate the brain’s receptor sites. Many other terpenes also improve cerebral blood flow, helping cannabinoids — and themselves — reach the right targets. [4]
Feeling brain dead yet? If so, think of it this way: the entourage effect happens when all of hemp’s best ingredients are taken together. These ingredients form an ‘entourage’ around CBD and help it get to its destination. We’re thankful to say that the entourage effect doesn’t have to be understood to be felt!
How to find premium CBD + THC gummies
Any premium CBD + THC gummy should meet a few basic qualifications. It should be:
- Delicious
- Truly full spectrum
- Low enough in THC to be federally legal
- High enough in THC that you feel something
Our Daily Buzz gummies check all the boxes and then some. They combine 25 milligrams of CBD with 5 milligrams of pure THC…enough to instill tangible, whole-body upliftment.
Just as important, these gummies feature CBD and THC in a true-to-nature formula. Each gummy contains 5 parts of CBD for every 1 part of THC and other cannabinoids/terpenes. This 5:1 ratio puts THC in its proper place — not overpowering, but definitely noticeable.
With up to 6x the minor cannabinoids of other brands, you’ll be sure to feel the five CBD difference.
How do you take our gummies? Good question. Start off by taking one gummy per day, either morning or night, and seeing how it affects you. (Don’t let the six delicious flavors tempt you into taking too many!) Some people may progress up to taking several gummies per day, but for most people one or two is enough.
- Hudson, R. (2019, October 30). Cannabidiol Counteracts the Psychotropic Side-Effects of Δ-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in the Ventral Hippocampus through Bidirectional Control of ERK1–2 Phosphorylation. Journal of Neuroscience. https://www.jneurosci.org/content/39/44/8762
- Takakuwa, K. M. (2021, February 10). The emergency department care of the cannabis and synthetic cannabinoid patient: a narrative review - International Journal of Emergency Medicine. BioMed Central. https://intjem.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12245-021-00330-3
- Is “Pure” CBD Better? (2015). Project CBD. https://www.projectcbd.org/science/pure-cbd-better
- Neuroprotective Potential of Limonene and Limonene Containing Natural Products - ProQuest. (2021). ProQuest. https://www.proquest.com/openview/4625cfeeeb82b9c5f7866b92ad03d461/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=2032355