yes, depending on your local state-regulations. delta-9 thc sourced from low-thc industrial hemp, like the kind five uses, is federally legal, with each state deciding their own laws.
the delta-9 thc five uses comes from federally legal industrial hemp. delta-9 can also come from marijuna plants, which remains federally regulated.
yes, five's edibles are all made with real hemp-derived cannabis components.
we’ve got the buzz...
Good news: CBD is fully legal in nearly every part of the world.
CBD isn’t the only ingredient in your average CBD oil...and that’s actually not a bad thing.
There are many different types of hemp CBD products available; but, what exactly is it?
You know how a circle is a shape...but a shape isn’t necessarily a circle?
We’ll be honest: both broad spectrum CBD and full spectrum CBD are pretty awesome.
As hemp based CBD products continue to grow in popularity, a common question that is being asked is: What are CBD spectrums?
find the best five products for you with this quick quiz.
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